Saturday, June 9, 2012

Serba Sedikit Pengenalan

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera,

Dibawah ini terdapat serba sedikit info yang boleh dikongsi kepada rakan-rakan semua mengenai Uinvest.
Jika ada berminat dan ingin bertanya sesuatu mengenai Uinvest, rakan-rakan boleh hubungi saya.

untuk memulakan pendaftaran dan ingin jalan-jalan dan memahami konsep Uinvest rakan-rakan boleh klik di bawah atau rakan-rakan boleh klik di semua perkataan Uinvest yang terdapat dalam Blog ini.

ezuardi2005 : 017 281 2175

About Uinvest
UInvest is a legal registered company with an excellent reputation. You can visit one of its offices and see registration documents. UInvest was founded in 2007 and now has over 20 employees and offices in Ukraine and the United States. Over that time $60 million assets have been proceeded among more than 10,000 investors. You can find the addresses of our offices from our presentation at

UInvest is a place where you can become a co owner of a business. Interacting
with the website, you buy shares of enterprises and get dividends on a monthly
basis. You can trade your shares with other investors, buying or selling them in real
time like on a stock exchange.

Ukraine Office

USA Office
The beginning of UInvest
Alex with friends bought a fabrique (material, textile, or type of plant), repaired and sold it. Then they did it again a few times, thus UInvest was invented.

INCA is a market maker that supports liquidity of all shares. It’s a market that works in Uinvest only. They guarantee liquidity of your shares. This means you don’t need to wait until someone buys them. 

How to Invest in UINVEST

Firstly, You shall add your fund to your account by several ways. There are several ways to fund your account:
1. Credit Card 
2. Wire transfer
3. Check payments
4. Liberty Reserve
5. AlertPay
6. PayPal 
I'm recommended you to use Liberty Reserve because it's more quickly and lower fee in transfer payment. (account balance has a gold activate, which means "if the gold is rise up, your balance will rise too, but if the gold is down, your balance will down too)

After that, you choice what kind of projects do you want to invest. Example: Chemical Plant. You should buy the shares. How to get earning by your share?
*Waiting until the price of your share going to rise up. Then you can sold it with higher price (must reachable by market INCA or buyer, you will directly sell your share)Remember value of price always rise and down anytime. This called "exchange"
*Waiting until one month and get your dividend. (Remember UINVEST always set up fee 10% on every dividend)

If the periods of share will get ends, the owner's business will buy back the shares.

How can we sure our fund’s safety?
If a business doesn't go well investors may easily notice it by decrease of 
earnings and share value. Shareholders may sell their shares at that moment, not waiting for the worst scenario. 
Moreover, every business deposits some funds to our account to secure investors' funds in case they fail to pay one day. 
These tools allow us to keep your income stable.

To get certificates mailed from UInvest you should turn on this option here >> Contact Info tab. Please verify your address and chose appropriate option.


    Thursday, 03 May 2012 12:33
    “To the state legislators who are proposing state-issued currencies, that means gold and silver are fair game”, said Edwin Vieira, an alternative currency proponent and attorney specializing in Constitutional law. “And since gold has grown exponentially more valuable, while the U.S. dollar continues to lose ground, the notion has become increasingly appealing to state lawmakers”, stated Vieira in his interview.

    Utah became the first state to introduce its own alternative currency when Governor Gary Herbert signed a bill into law in March or 2011 that recognized gold and silver coins issued by the U.S.

    Mint as an acceptable form of payment. Under the law, the coins -- which include American Gold and Silver Eagles -- are treated the same as U.S. dollars for tax purposes, eliminating capital gains taxes.
    South Carolina Republican Representative Mike Pitts proposed a currency system that would allow people to use any kind of silver or gold coin -- whether it's a Philippine Peso or a South African Krugerrand -- based on weight and fineness. Pitts said in the bill, which currently has 12 co-sponsors, that the state is facing "an economic crisis of severe magnitude."

    Republican representatives from Washington State followed suit in January and introduced a bill that would also allow any gold and silver coins to be considered legal tender based on metal values. Minnesota, Iowa, Georgia, Idaho and Indiana are also considering similar proposals.
    With public relying on educated decisions of their elected government officials, transferring US currency into gold seems more real than ever. Over the past few years, entrepreneurs across the nation opened up hundreds of shops to buy gold and other precious metals from the public.

    David Parsley, a professor of economics and finance at Vanderbilt University, however, strongly disapproves of such move. In his opinion, introducing local state currencies could undermine the value of the US dollar, which, in turn, would lead to the destruction of the US economy. Dr. Parsley suggests that it would make sense for an average consumer to learn more about international markets and “make smarter investments”.

    Such companies as Uinvest that help consumers learn about investment opportunities in foreign markets, particularly in Eastern Europe, are instrumental in carrying out the task of broadening economic investment horizons, thus, causing a comeback of consumer confidence through education and development of global mindset. As an added-on service, Uinvest provides all members of Uinvest online community with an opportunity to transfer their idle US dollar balances into Gold Bullions as measures of securing their funds and hedging against the drop of US dollar. “It’s better to be safe than sorry,” says the Uinvest CEO, Eugene Rubin, who, just like many other millions of citizens of the former USSR, has lived through the collapse of the financial system and recalls the times when gold was the only answer for ordinary citizens to save at least some of their hard-earned money.
    “We hope that a similar situation will not happen with the US dollar, but, as my grandparents used to say: “While relying on God, you need to do your part.”
    “Doing your part” means taking all steps possible to protect what you have now, invest in education, and develop a global mindset. In short, it means taking individual responsibility for each decision made while understanding and honoring the law of “cause-and-effect”.

    * Ellis, Black. CNN Money, “States seek currencies made of silver and gold”,
    February, 2012

  2. Bagi mereka Uinvestors Islam yang tertanya-tanya jika Uinvest mempunyai pematuhan dengan Undang-Undang Syariah dari segi Kewangan Islam, ia harus diperhatikan bahawa kita semua mesti mengambil perkara-perkara tertentu kira untuk memahami jika projek-projek yang posted on Uinvest adalah patuh Syariah atau tidak.

    1. Adakah tawaran pelaburan dengan mana-mana aktiviti perniagaan yang bertentangan dengan Undang-undang Syariah?

    Seperti yang kita faham, tidak semua perniagaan yang posted on Uinvest adalah patuh Syariah. Perniagaan seperti Ladang Khinzir, Alkohol Minuman, Loji Kasino Perniagaan Porject dan apa-apa, hanya sebilangan kecil jenis perniagaan bahawa pelabur Islam tidak seharusnya melabur kerana perniagaan sendiri yang dilarang dalam Undang-undang Syariah.

    2. Adakah perniagaan mengambil kira risiko yang terlibat?

    Seperti yang kita fahami, Uinvest mengambil kira perniagaan yang dimasukkan pada Uinvest sistem, dari segi keuntungan, prestasi kewangan dan perniagaan. Tentu ada sentiasa jumlah tertentu risiko dalam perniagaan mana-mana, tetapi apa yang Undang-Undang Syariah merujuk kepada ketidaktentuan, yang pada dasarnya adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh diukur, contohnya, tanpa apa-apa perniagaan yang disokong oleh aset sebenar. Walau bagaimanapun, oleh kerana kebanyakan perniagaan pada Uinvest bersandarkan aset, ia adalah selamat untuk mengatakan bahawa projek di Uinvest adalah patuh Syariah. Walau bagaimanapun, risiko juga boleh dikaitkan dengan reputasi, syarikat yang akan membantu jika projek mengenai Uinvest telah diberikan maklumat lanjut.

    3. Adakah mana-mana perniagaan berlaku apa-apa caj faedah? Dan pendapatan yang diperolehi daripada pelaburan bahawa kepentingan?

    Bagi kebanyakan negara, kepentingan tertentu merupakan satu bentuk riba yang telah diharamkan dalam Undang-Undang Syariah. Semua umat Islam memahami perkara ini kerana ia ditulis dalam Al-Quran. Walau bagaimanapun, riba ini bukan sahaja dikecualikan kepada bank-bank di mana pinjaman faedah diedarkan, ia juga boleh menjadi perniagaan yang tidak semestinya memberi pinjaman kewangan. Sebagai contoh, mengikut, malah sebuah syarikat seperti Dell Computers tidak syariah-complient kerana fakta bahawa ia mempunyai pendapatan tambahan daripada pelaburan berfaedah. Ia harus diperhatikan bahawa ulama berbeza telah meletakkan ambang berbeza tentang berapa banyak syarikat boleh mendapat pendapatan mereka daripada kepentingan? Sehingga kini, setiap syarikat tidak boleh menjana pendapatan daripada kepentingan dari lebih daripada 5%! Walaupun pelaburan-pelaburan berfaedah tidak boleh melebihi 30% dan faedah Hutang tidak boleh melebihi 30%!

    Dalam perintah bagi menentukan sama ada perniagaan pada Uinvest mematuhi ini, maklumat lanjut mesti dinyatakan dalam perintah untuk perniagaan berasaskan Syariah untuk pelabur muslim sesama. Ia juga perlu diingatkan bahawa pelabur Islam perlu memberi sekurang-kurangnya 5% daripada pendapatan mereka dari Uinvest kepada badan kebajikan untuk membersihkan pendapatan mereka. Walau bagaimanapun, ini juga bergantung kepada berapa banyak pendapatan daripada kepentingan perniagaan yang diterima. Sebagai contoh, jika 30% daripada pendapatan perniagaan daripada kepentingan, maka pelabur Islam perlu memberi 30% daripada pendapatan mereka dari Uinvest untuk amal.

    Kesimpulan: Uinvest tidak diragukan lagi satu cara inovatif yang menghubungkan individu kepada perniagaan di seluruh dunia. Tetapi pelabur Islam perlu berhati-hati ke projek mana yang mereka perlu melabur dan ingat untuk membersihkan pelaburan mereka melalui pemberian sedekah. Lebih-lebih lagi, terutamanya mengenai persoalan kepentingan, ia adalah lebih baik jika Uinvest boleh mendedahkan maklumat lanjut kewangan dan perniagaan bagi menentukan perniagaan pematuhan Syariah.

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